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Munay Ki Rites: A Transformative Journey to Becoming Homo Luminous

The Munay-Ki rites, also known as the "Nine Great Rites of Initiation," are a series of shamanic energy transmissions rooted in the Andean traditions of South America, particularly among the Q'ero people of Peru. Brought to the West by Alberto Villoldo, a psychologist and anthropologist, these rites are designed to awaken your spiritual essence, deepen your connection to the natural and cosmic energies, and facilitate profound personal transformation.

The Munay-Ki Rites course is a transformative journey that connects you with the wisdom of the four natural elements—earth, water, fire, and air—and the sacred teachings of the animal kingdom. Through these ancient energetic rites, you will awaken your inner power, harmonize with nature's forces, and embody the strength and guidance of spirit animals. This course fosters deep healing and empowerment, aligning you with the rhythms of the Earth and the wisdom of ancestral traditions.

Course Overview
This three-part course offers the opportunity to receive all nine Munay-Ki rites and step into your role as an Earth Keeper. While this does not culturally appropriate the sacred position of a shaman, it initiates you into a lineage of wisdom and power, empowering you to steward the earth and its energies. The rites help release karmic patterns, foster spiritual growth, and connect you with like-minded individuals on a similar journey.

Class Dates:

  • March 1st

  • April 5th

  • May 3rd

Each class includes accompanying fire ceremonies, which will also be open to the public.

Community Fire Dates:

  • March 13th

  • April 17th

  • May 15th

Whats included:
Participants will receive sacred tools, including a Pi stone for rite transmissions and the book.

A Sacred Invitation:
The Munay-Ki rites are more than rituals; they are an invitation to awaken your luminous self, shed old patterns, and embrace your transcendent nature. Join the Earth Keepers of the Hopi, Maya, Inka, and other wisdom traditions to raise the collective consciousness and dream the world into being.

Step into Your Power:
The Munay-Ki rites are the keys to becoming a steward of the earth and a co-creator of a beautiful, harmonious world. Answer the call of the Divine Spirit and join us on this transformative journey.

Choose one or all three and save $50.

Class Breakdown

Session 1: The First Three Rites

  • The Bands of Power
    Create energetic protections that transform negative energy into light. These bands align and shield your energy field.

  • The Harmony Rite
    Align with the universe’s powers, harmonizing your being with physical and spiritual realities.

  • The Healers Rite
    Connect with a lineage of luminous healers, fostering healing energy from both past and future sources.

Included Instruction:

  • Opening directions and fire ceremony protocols

  • Significance of the Pi stone and how to open the Wirachoca

Session 2: The Middle Three Rites

  • The Seer’s Rite
    Enhance intuition, allowing you to perceive the invisible world of energy with an awakened heart and mind.

  • The Day Keeper Rite
    Connect to sacred altars and sites, fostering balance, healing, and a deep bond with the Divine Feminine.

  • The Wisdom Keeper Rite
    Honor sacred mountains and step outside linear time, embracing the wisdom of the Divine Masculine.

Session Highlights:
Gain tools to further your spiritual practice and deepen your connection to the natural and cosmic realms.

Session 3: The Final Three Rites

  • The Earth Keeper Rite
    Connect with a lineage of archangels who are guardians of our galaxy. Learn to dream the world into being.

  • The Star Keeper Rite
    Anchor your energy safely in the post-2012 era, embracing conscious evolution and transformation into Homo Luminous.

  • The Creator Rite
    Awaken the God-light within and embody Christ or Buddha consciousness, becoming a co-creator with Spirit.

The Munay-Ki Experience

  • What You Receive:

    • All nine rites transmitted in sacred ceremony

    • Practical tools for sharing the rites with others

A deep sense of empowerment and alignment with your higher purpose

February 23

Body Code Workshop

March 15

The Art of Healing Festival